Question :

What are the Requirements Engineering Process Functions?


Software Engineering


Computer Science Engineering



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Answer / Solution

Requirements engineering (RE) is the process of defining, documenting, and managing the requirements for a system. The RE process typically includes the following functions:

  • Elicitation: This function involves gathering information about the system requirements from stakeholders. This information can be gathered through interviews, surveys, and workshops.
  • Analysis: This function involves analyzing the gathered information to identify the system requirements. This includes identifying the functional and non-functional requirements, as well as the relationships between the requirements.
  • Specification: This function involves documenting the system requirements in a way that is understandable to the stakeholders and the developers. The requirements specification should be complete, consistent, unambiguous, verifiable, and feasible.
  • Verification: This function involves ensuring that the system meets the requirements. This can be done through testing, reviews, and inspections.
  • Validation: This function involves ensuring that the system meets the needs of the stakeholders. This can be done through user acceptance testing and surveys.

The RE process is an iterative process, meaning that it is repeated throughout the development lifecycle. This is because the requirements of the system may change as the project progresses.

Here are some of the benefits of requirements engineering:

  • Improved quality: Requirements engineering can help to improve the quality of the system by ensuring that the system meets the needs of the stakeholders.
  • Reduced costs: Requirements engineering can help to reduce the costs of the system by identifying and avoiding unnecessary costs.
  • Improved communication: Requirements engineering can help to improve communication between the stakeholders and the developers. This can help to avoid misunderstandings and delays.
  • Increased customer satisfaction: Requirements engineering can help to increase customer satisfaction by ensuring that the system meets the needs of the customers.

Requirements engineering is a critical part of the software development process. By following the RE process, you can help to ensure that the system meets the needs of the stakeholders and that the system is successful in its intended use.

Here are some of the challenges of requirements engineering:

  • Unclear or conflicting requirements: The requirements may be unclear or conflicting, which can make it difficult to define the system.
  • Changing requirements: The requirements may change throughout the development lifecycle, which can make it difficult to keep the system up to date.
  • Incomplete requirements: The requirements may be incomplete, which can lead to missing features or functionality.
  • Unrealistic requirements: The requirements may be unrealistic, which can lead to delays or cost overruns.

Despite these challenges, requirements engineering is a valuable tool that can be used to improve the quality, cost, communication, and customer satisfaction of software systems.

Answer / Solution

The Requirements Engineering (RE) process functions are the activities and tasks involved in effectively gathering, documenting, validating, and managing requirements for a software system or product. These functions help ensure that the system being developed meets the needs and expectations of its stakeholders. The main functions of the Requirements Engineering process include:

Elicitation: This function involves understanding the needs and expectations of stakeholders by gathering information from various sources. It includes techniques such as interviews, workshops, surveys, and observations to identify, clarify, and prioritize requirements.

Analysis: In this function, the collected requirements are examined and analyzed to ensure their correctness, completeness, consistency, and feasibility. It involves identifying dependencies, conflicts, and potential risks associated with the requirements.

Specification: The analysis results are then documented in a clear and unambiguous manner in the form of requirements specifications. These specifications serve as a basis for communication and agreement between stakeholders, developers, and other project members. Various techniques such as natural language, use cases, and modeling languages can be used for specification.

Validation: This function focuses on verifying and validating the requirements to ensure that they are accurate, consistent, and feasible. Techniques such as reviews, inspections, and prototyping are used to identify and resolve any issues or ambiguities in the requirements.

Management: Requirements management involves controlling and tracking changes to requirements throughout the development lifecycle. It includes activities such as version control, traceability, and impact analysis to ensure that changes to requirements are properly documented, evaluated, and communicated to stakeholders.


Effective communication is essential to ensure that requirements are clearly understood by all stakeholders. This function involves facilitating communication between stakeholders, managing expectations, and resolving conflicts or misunderstandings that may arise during the requirements engineering process.


In situations where there are conflicting or competing requirements, negotiation is necessary to find a balance and reach a consensus among stakeholders. This function involves identifying trade-offs, managing conflicts, and reaching agreements that satisfy the needs of all parties involved.


Proper documentation of requirements is crucial for maintaining a record of decisions, assumptions, and changes throughout the development process. This function includes creating and maintaining requirement documents, diagrams, and other artifacts that capture the essential information related to the requirements.

It's important to note that the order and emphasis of these functions may vary depending on the specific RE methodology or approach being followed. However, these functions generally represent the core activities involved in the requirements engineering process.

Answer / Solution

The Requirements Engineering (RE) process functions typically include several activities that are performed to elicit, analyze, document, validate, and manage requirements throughout a software development project. While the specific steps and terminologies used may vary depending on the methodology or framework being followed, the following are commonly recognized functions in the RE process:

  1. Elicitation: This function involves gathering requirements from stakeholders, such as end-users, customers, business analysts, and domain experts. Various techniques, such as interviews, workshops, surveys, and observations, are used to identify and understand the needs and expectations of the stakeholders.
  2. Analysis: Once the requirements are elicited, the next function is to analyze and refine them. This includes activities such as prioritizing requirements, resolving conflicts or ambiguities, and ensuring that they are complete, consistent, and feasible. Analysis techniques like use case modeling, data flow diagrams, and system modeling may be employed to understand the system's behavior and structure.
  3. Documentation: Requirements need to be documented in a clear and unambiguous manner for effective communication between stakeholders and development teams. This function involves creating requirement specifications, which may include textual descriptions, diagrams, use cases, and other artifacts that capture the essence of the requirements.
  4. Validation: Validation ensures that the documented requirements accurately represent the stakeholders' needs and are feasible to implement. This function involves reviewing and evaluating requirements for correctness, consistency, verifiability, and traceability. Techniques like reviews, walkthroughs, and prototyping may be employed to validate the requirements.
  5. Verification: Verification focuses on ensuring that the implemented system meets the specified requirements. This function involves comparing the system against the documented requirements to identify any discrepancies or deviations. Techniques such as testing, inspections, and demonstrations are commonly used to verify that the system meets the desired functionality and quality.
  6. Management: Requirements are subject to change throughout the software development lifecycle. The management function involves establishing a systematic approach to handle requirement changes, trace requirements to their sources, and maintain version control. It also includes activities like configuration management, prioritization, and communication with stakeholders regarding requirement changes.

These functions are iterative and may overlap during the RE process. They help in understanding and capturing the stakeholders' needs accurately, ensuring that the developed software satisfies those needs, and managing changes to the requirements effectively.

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