Question :

Describe the various stages through which the bill has to pass in the Parliament of India.


Social Science


Class 8



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Answer / Solution

An ordinary bill has to pass through the following stages before it becomes an act.

First Reading in the Parliament:

An ordinary bill can be introduced in either of the two houses of the Parliament. A minister or private member who introduces the bill explains the objectives of the bill. If the house favours the bill, then it goes on to the next stage. The introduction is called the first reading of a bill.

Second Reading in the Parliament:

At this stage, a general discussion of the bill takes place. Thereafter, there is a clause by clause discussion of the bill. Those in favour give reasons about why it should be accepted while those opposed to it bring out its weaknesses. After the discussion, the bill is put to vote. Sometimes a bill is sent to a select committee after the general discussion for careful study. The report submitted by the committee is discussed in the house. Then a clause by clause discussion takes place which is followed by a voting session.

Third Reading in the Parliament:

The bill as a whole is put to vote at this stage. Minor mistakes, if any, are rectified and it is passed by a simple majority. After the bill is passed by one house, it is sent to the other house. The bill here also undergoes the same stages as in the other house. If it is passed by the other house also, it is sent to the president for his/her approval. And final step is

President’s assent:

If the president gives assent, the bill becomes an act. The president can withhold his/her assent and can return the bill.

Answer / Solution

What is a Bill?
The simplest definition of a Bill is that it is a draft of a legislative procedure. It is usually a proposal for a new law or a change to the existing law. If the Bill proposed is passed by the Parliament and is asserted by the President of India it becomes a law. Bills in the Indian Parliament can be classified into four types. They are the following:

  • Money Bills
  • Financial Bills
  • Constitution Amendment Bills
  • Ordinary Bills

Three different stages of passing a Bill

  • First Stage or the Introduction Stage
  • Second Stage or the Discussion Stage
  • The third stage or the voting stage
  • Bills in the Other House
  • President’s Approval of the Bill

When the Bill is passed by both the Houses it is sent to the President for approval. The President can assent, withhold assent or send the Bill back apart from a Money Bill as it is recommended by the President to the Houses. If the President gives his assent to the Bill it becomes an Act.

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