MCQ 1 Methods can be overloaded with a difference only in the type of the return value

Correct Answer Choice B 0
See Answer

MCQ 2 Which of the following statements are valid array declaration?

i) int number( );
ii) float average[ ];
iii) double[ ]marks;
iv) counter int[ ];

Correct Answer Choice B ii and iii
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MCQ 3 Which one of the following languages is pure object oriented language?

Correct Answer Choice A Java
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MCQ 4 Major objective of object oriented approach is to

Correct Answer Choice D All of these
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MCQ 5 Java

Correct Answer Choice D All of these
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MCQ 6 The loop keyword of java is

Correct Answer Choice B While
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MCQ 7 Which of the following methods can be used to remove a component from the display?

Correct Answer Choice D hide()
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MCQ 8 The concept of multiple inheritance is implemented in Java by

Correct Answer Choice D both B and C
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MCQ 9 JSP embeds in ____________in ___________.

Correct Answer Choice D Java, HTML
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MCQ 10 In order to run JSP ______________ is required.

Correct Answer Choice C Java Web Server
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MCQ 11 Which of the following is not the java primitive type

Correct Answer Choice D Long double
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MCQ 12 Which component is responsible to optimize bytecode to machine code?

Correct Answer Choice C JIT
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MCQ 13 What will be the output of the following code?

byte x=64, y; y= (byte) (x<<2); System.out.println(y);

Correct Answer Choice A 0
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MCQ 14 Which of the following control expressions are valid for an if statement?

Correct Answer Choice B A Boolean expression
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MCQ 15 Which of the following keywords are used to control access to a class member?
i) default
ii) abstract
iii) protected
iv) interface
v) public

Correct Answer Choice D ii, iii and v only
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MCQ 16 Which of the following statement is false?

Correct Answer Choice B The yield() method should be enclosed in try ……… catch block.
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MCQ 17 Abbreviate the term OGNL?

Correct Answer Choice B Object- Graph Navigation Language
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MCQ 18 Java does not use

Correct Answer Choice D All of these
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MCQ 19 The state of left cycle of a thread is

Correct Answer Choice D All of these
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MCQ 20 The following program is an example for?

class Student{ 
int id; String name; 
void display(){ 
System.out.println(id+" "+name); 
public static void main(String args[]){ 
Student s1=new Student(); 
Student s2=new Student(); 

Correct Answer Choice B Default Constructor
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MCQ 21 Which interfaces provide methods for batch processing in JDBC?

Correct Answer Choice C All the above
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MCQ 22 ______________ is a special member function.

Correct Answer Choice D constructor
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MCQ 23 The class at the top of exception class hierarchy is _________________.

Correct Answer Choice B Throwable
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MCQ 24 In a java program, package declaration ____________________ import statements.

Correct Answer Choice A must precede
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MCQ 25 ________________ package is used by compiler itself. So it does not need to be imported for use.

Correct Answer Choice D java.lang
See Answer

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