MCQ 1 Which of the following in NOT represent legal flow control statements?

Correct Answer Choice B break();
See Answer

MCQ 2 Class is a _________________ entity.

Correct Answer Choice A logical
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MCQ 3 The use of protected keyword to a member in a class will restrict its visibility as follows:

Correct Answer Choice C Visible in all classes in the same package and subclasses in other packages
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MCQ 4 What is currentThread()?

Correct Answer Choice C It is a object's instance method used to get thread count.
See Answer

MCQ 5 How many reserved keywords are currently defined in the Java language?

Correct Answer Choice B 49
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MCQ 6 Variable declared as ____________ do not occupy on a per instance basis.

Correct Answer Choice B Final
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MCQ 7 Using the keyboard interface you can fully abstract a _____________.

Correct Answer Choice C Class
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MCQ 8 _____________ inheritance is enable by interface in java.

Correct Answer Choice B multiple
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MCQ 9 Deserialization is the process of restoring state of an object from a byte stream.

Correct Answer Choice A Serialization is the process of restoring state of an object from an object.
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MCQ 10 Which of the following is a marker interface?

Correct Answer Choice B comparable
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MCQ 11 _____________ operators which concatenates two strings.

Correct Answer Choice A +
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MCQ 12 It is an important feature of java that it always provides a default constructor to a class

Correct Answer Choice C 1
See Answer

MCQ 13 In java thread to thread communication is called _____________.

Correct Answer Choice C messaging
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MCQ 14 One interface can inherit another by use of the keyword _____________.

Correct Answer Choice C method name
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MCQ 15 The new keyword will

  • i) create in instance of an object
  • ii) create instance of a class
  • iii) assign memory to an array
  • iv) call the destructor of a class
  • <

    Correct Answer Choice A i and iii
    See Answer

MCQ 16 Which class is used to uncompress the file in the deflate compression format, It provides facility to the other uncompression filters?

Correct Answer Choice B InflaterInputStream class
See Answer

MCQ 17 Which one of the following web browsers uses just-in-time (JIT) complier?

Correct Answer Choice B Internet Explorer
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MCQ 18 The following program is an example of?

class Simple{ 
public static void main(String args[]){ 
String s="Sachin"


Correct Answer Choice A length() method
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MCQ 19 What can be accessed or inherited without actual copy of code to each program?

Correct Answer Choice C Package
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MCQ 20 Java has its origin in

Correct Answer Choice D Oak programming language
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MCQ 21 State true or false for Java Program.

  • i) All class variables are instance variables
  • ii) All protected methods are friendly methods
  • <

    Correct Answer Choice B i − False, ii − True
    See Answer

MCQ 22 Data input is

Correct Answer Choice D an interface that defines methods to read primitive data types.
See Answer

MCQ 23 Java is designed for ___________ environment of the Internet.

Correct Answer Choice C Distributed
See Answer

MCQ 24 Which class provides stream to read binary data such as image etfrom the request object?

Correct Answer Choice A ServltInputStream
See Answer

MCQ 25 Which one of the following is access keyword?

Correct Answer Choice D All of these
See Answer

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