MCQ 1 Multidimensional arrays are actually ______________.

Correct Answer Choice C Arrays of arrays
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MCQ 2 A java program is first _________________and ______________.

Correct Answer Choice D interpreted, compiled
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MCQ 3 What is the priority of the Garbage collector thread of jdk?

Correct Answer Choice A Low Priority
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MCQ 4 Keyword ___________ is always a reference to the object.

Correct Answer Choice B this
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MCQ 5 Which is used to call the stored procedures and functions?

Correct Answer Choice A CallableStatement Interface
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MCQ 6 Which of the following statement is false?

Correct Answer Choice D The yield() method should be enclosed in try __ catch block.
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MCQ 7 What is the correct annotation to use to export a method as a web services operating using JAVA API for a XML based webservices (JAS-Ws), version 2.0?

Correct Answer Choice D @WSMethod
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MCQ 8 A package is a collection of

Correct Answer Choice D None of these
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MCQ 9 ____________ operators are overloaded for string objects?

Correct Answer Choice B +, =
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MCQ 10 Which constructor creates an empty string buffer with the specified capacity as length.

Correct Answer Choice C StringBuffer(int capacity)
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MCQ 11 _____________ statement is valid for array declaration.

Correct Answer Choice C float number[ ];
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MCQ 12 What is the default return type of main()

Correct Answer Choice D int
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MCQ 13 State true or false.

  • i) init() is called after start() in applet
  • ii) applets are used for networking
  • iii) inheritance is a part of Java Foundation Classes
  • v) final does not prevent inheritance
  • <

    Correct Answer Choice D i-false, ii-false, iii-false, iv-false
    See Answer

MCQ 14 What is NullPointerException?

Correct Answer Choice B A NullPointerException is thrown when object property is set as null.
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MCQ 15 Prepared Statement object in JDBC used to execute ______________ queries.

Correct Answer Choice D Parameterized
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MCQ 16 Which of the following is not mandatory in variable declaration?

Correct Answer Choice C an assignment
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MCQ 17 Which of the following is true about Java.

Correct Answer Choice D All of the above
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MCQ 18 In JDBC _____________ imports all Java classes concerned with database connectivity.

Correct Answer Choice C java.sql.*
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MCQ 19 It is important feature of java that it always provides a default constructor to a class.

Correct Answer Choice C 1
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MCQ 20 __________________ is the key to _________________.

Correct Answer Choice A Serialization, persistence
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MCQ 21 In Java variables, if first increment of the variable takes place and then the assignment occurs. This operation is also called ___________________.

Correct Answer Choice A pre increment
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MCQ 22 When the operators are having the same priority, they are evaluated from ________________ in the order they appear in the expression.

Correct Answer Choice B left to right
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MCQ 24 ______________ is a feature that allows one interface to be used for a general class of actions.

Correct Answer Choice C Polymorphism
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MCQ 24 Java support RMI. What does this RMI stands for?

Correct Answer Choice B Remote Method Invocation
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MCQ 25 Java was developed by the company

Correct Answer Choice A Sun Micro systems
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MCQ 26 _____________ keyword is used to invoke the current object.

Correct Answer Choice C This
See Answer

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