MCQ 1 Can we use both single quotes ( ' ' ) and double quotes ( " " ) for strings in PHP language.

Correct Answer Choice B True
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MCQ 2 What does PHP stand for?

Correct Answer Choice C Hypertext Preprocessor
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MCQ 3 Can I run several versions of PHP at the same time?

Correct Answer Choice A Yes
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MCQ 4 What is PHP heredoc used for?

Correct Answer Choice B allows creating multiple lines of string without using quotations
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MCQ 5 Which one of the following does not hold true regarding GET method in HTML?

Correct Answer Choice A Use of GET method in HTML is more secured.
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MCQ 6 Which keyword is used to refer to properties or methods within the class itself?

Correct Answer Choice B $this
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MCQ 7 How many validation filters like FILTER_VALIDATE_EMAIL are currently available?

Correct Answer Choice C 7
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MCQ 8 In PHP a variable needs to be declare before assign

Correct Answer Choice C False
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MCQ 9 Which variable is used to collect form data sent with both the GET and POST methods?

Correct Answer Choice D $_REQUEST
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MCQ 10 Some characteristics of MD5 is

Correct Answer Choice D All of the above
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MCQ 11 What is the default size of a file set in upload_max_filesize ?

Correct Answer Choice B 2 MB
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MCQ 12 Is strstr and strchr aliases?

Correct Answer Choice A Yes
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MCQ 13 www-authenticate mechanism works only under the

Correct Answer Choice C Apache web server
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MCQ 14 Which one of the following does not hold true regarding POST method in HTML?

Correct Answer Choice B Use of POST method enables us to bookmark the page.
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MCQ 15 What does the PHP Interpreter do?

Correct Answer Choice A It processes the HTML and PHP files
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MCQ 16 Which of the following is used to add comments in PHP?

Correct Answer Choice D Only A and B
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MCQ 17 "PHP is a case sensitive". Is the statement is True or False.

Correct Answer Choice A True
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MCQ 18 Which of the below symbols is a newline character?

Correct Answer Choice A \n
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MCQ 19 Which sign is used to access variable of variable in PHP?

Correct Answer Choice A $$
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MCQ 20 Who provides the size of the uploaded file in PHP?

Correct Answer Choice C $_FILES['file']['size']
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MCQ 21 What is the correct way to open the file "time.txt" as readable?

Correct Answer Choice B fopen("time.txt","r");  
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MCQ 22 In which variable is the users IP address stored?

Correct Answer Choice D $REMOTE_ADDR
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MCQ 23 A PHP script should start with _____________ and end with ___________:

Correct Answer Choice B < ? php ? >
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MCQ 24 A period of time during which a particular person, views a number of web pages at a particular machine is called as

Correct Answer Choice C Session
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MCQ 25 Which one of the following lines need to be uncommented or added in the php.ini file so as to enable mysqli extension?

Correct Answer Choice A extension=php_mysqli.dll
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