MCQ 1 How many error levels are available in PHP ?

Correct Answer Choice B 16
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MCQ 2 Which of the following function is used to redirect a page to another page?

Correct Answer Choice B header()
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MCQ 3 Which of the operator is NOT a valid PHP comparison operator?

Correct Answer Choice C <=>
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MCQ 4 _____________ is used to unset a variable in PHP ?

Correct Answer Choice D unset()
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MCQ 5 _______________ is cocatenation operator in PHP?

Correct Answer Choice B dot
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MCQ 6 To validate an e-mail address, which flag is to be passed to the function filter_var()?

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MCQ 7 What gets printed?
$var = 'false';
if ($var) {
echo 'true';
} else {
echo 'false';

Correct Answer Choice A True
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MCQ 8 For checking a data type, PHP offers a function called

Correct Answer Choice C gettype ( )
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MCQ 9 What does isset() function do in PHP?

Correct Answer Choice A It checks whether variable is set or not
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MCQ 10 What will be the output of the following php code
< ?php
$num = 1;
$num1 = 2;
print $num . "+". $num1 ;
? >

Correct Answer Choice A 1+2
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MCQ 11 Which operator is used to compare a value to a specified list of values?

Correct Answer Choice C IN
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MCQ 12 For changing array with random numbers which function we can use?

Correct Answer Choice B shuffle ( )
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MCQ 13 Which version introduced the function error_get_last()?

Correct Answer Choice B PHP 5.2
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MCQ 14 For the first time version of PHP 5 includes

Correct Answer Choice B Exception handling object
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MCQ 15 Which version of PHP was added with Exception handling?

Correct Answer Choice C PHP 5
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MCQ 16 Which of the following is/are an exception?

  • A) OutOfBoundException
  • B) OutOfRangeException
  • C) OverflowException
  • D) UnderflowException
  • <

    Correct Answer Choice D all of the above
    See Answer

MCQ 17 Which one of the following functions will convert a string to all uppercase?

Correct Answer Choice B strtoupper()
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MCQ 18 Where setcookie( ) function must appear in PHP?

Correct Answer Choice D Before tag
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MCQ 19 Which of the following keyword causes the loop to skip the remainder of its body and immediately retest its condition prior to reiterating?

Correct Answer Choice B continue
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MCQ 20 Which method retrieves each row from the prepared statement result and assigns the fields to the bound results?

Correct Answer Choice D fetch()
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MCQ 21 When you need to obtain the ASCII value of a character which of the following function you apply in PHP?

Correct Answer Choice D ord( );
See Answer

MCQ 22 How to create a function, in PHP. Use the function name is myFunction.

Correct Answer Choice B function myFunction()
See Answer

MCQ 23 What happens if you forget a slash at the end of a header tag?

Correct Answer Choice C Everything following will be a heading format
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MCQ 24 The die() and exit() functions do the exact same thing.

Correct Answer Choice A True
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MCQ 25 Which of them is a HTML specific string function?

Correct Answer Choice D All of the above
See Answer

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