MCQ 1 What does PHP stand for?

Correct Answer Choice B Private home page
See Answer

MCQ 2 What does HTML stand for?

Correct Answer Choice B Hyper text markup language
See Answer

MCQ 3 The PHP syntax is most similar to

Correct Answer Choice C Perl and C
See Answer

MCQ 4 Which superglobal variable holds information about headers, paths, and script locations?

Correct Answer Choice C $_SERVER
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MCQ 5 What is a correct way to add a comment in PHP?

Correct Answer Choice A /*...............*/
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MCQ 6 Which of following is used to add multiple line comments in PHP?

Correct Answer Choice D /* */
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MCQ 7 We can use _____________ tag to comment a single line?

Correct Answer Choice D //
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MCQ 8 When you use the $_POST variable to collect data, the data is visible to ______________.

Correct Answer Choice B only you
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MCQ 9 Choose the correct option.

Correct Answer Choice D All of the above
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MCQ 10 What is the purpose of $_SESSION[ ] ?

Correct Answer Choice C Used to store variables of the current session
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MCQ 11 Which of the following differences are valid between PHP 4 and PHP 5?

Correct Answer Choice D Both A and C
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MCQ 12 Include files must have the file extension ".inc"

Correct Answer Choice B False
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MCQ 13 What is the correct way to include the file "" ?

Correct Answer Choice D < ? php include ""; ? >
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MCQ 14 What is Joomla in PHP?

Correct Answer Choice B An open source CMS
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MCQ 15 How many basic data types are offered by PHP?

Correct Answer Choice D 8
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MCQ 16 The attack which involves the insertion of malicious code into a page frequented by other users is known as ________________.

Correct Answer Choice A cross-site scripting
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MCQ 17 Which one of the following should not be used while sending passwords or other sensitive information?

Correct Answer Choice A GET
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MCQ 18 Which one of these variables has an illegal name?

Correct Answer Choice B $my-Var
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MCQ 19 Can we generate DLL files from PHP scripts like we can in Perl language?

Correct Answer Choice A No
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MCQ 20 Can echo in php accept more than 1 parameter?

Correct Answer Choice A Yes
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MCQ 21 MD5 takes input string and makes it down into a fixed length string of.

Correct Answer Choice A 32 hexadecimal values
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MCQ 22 Which data type is not valid in PHP for type casting?

Correct Answer Choice D Both a and b
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MCQ 23 1. What does PHP stand for?

  • i) Personal Home Page
  • ii) Hypertext Preprocessor
  • iii) Pretext Hypertext Processor
  • iv) Preprocessor Home Page
  • <

    Correct Answer Choice C Both (i) and (ii)
    See Answer

MCQ 24 PHP files have a default file extension of.

Correct Answer Choice C php
See Answer

MCQ 25 Which of the following is used to declare a constant.

Correct Answer Choice C define
See Answer

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